I've made a doctor's appointment for Monday. If my symptoms aren't thyroid related then I'm losing it. I think that is half the reason I wait so long to go to the doctor because I am afraid that nothing is wrong, that it's all in my head. Granted that has never been the case for me, something is usually wrong if I'm in the doctor's office. I know it's silly but it's my reality.
My house is a total wreck. The floors need to be vacuumed (why does that word look funny?), the bathrooms need to be scrubbed. I am slowly working my way through laundry. I've decided that as much as it bothers me that right now I can't do it all so I'll do what I can and the rest will have to just wait. Miss Moody is on kitchen duty right now so that's a help.
I left work yesterday exhausted and sick to my stomach. My body has been aching, like when you have the flu. I was miserable. I laid down as soon as I got home and slept until the kids got home. I've been having to lay down at least for 15 minutes every afternoon because if I don't, I'm so tired that my body aches even more. And let's face it, how can I run the kids here and there if I'm feeling that bad.
Next Tuesday, Girly Girl has a field trip to the Herr's Potato Chip Factory in PA. I signed up as a chaperone and if I don't go, she will be so disappointed. I doubt JR can get off work because his dad will be taking his mom back to the cardiologist that day. So I'm going to relax as much as I can this weekend and pray that I feel better.
I'm going to ask for a prescription for Ambien or Lunesta, some sleeping pill anyway. I don't sleep well which makes me tired all day and if I could just take a pill twice a week or so to get at least 2 nights of solid sleep, I know that would help. And if my thyroid levels are off like I suspect, once they are better, my sleep should improve somewhat.
Saturday is soccer tournaments and then this year's soccer season is over, hurray! But they are calling for rain which would cancel everything and I don't know whether tournaments would be rescheduled, I would think they would be. As much as I'd love to lay around on Saturday, I'd really like for soccer to be over this week. Then we'll have 2 more weeks of field hockey and then all fall sports will be over. Finally.
I realized yesterday that Christmas is 2 months away, 2 months! And I am so not in the Christmas frame of mind. I guess I need to start making a list. I definetely plan on doing as much as I can online, that made life so much easier last year.
Did I mention my sister ran into our father last week? In the grocery store parking lot. She said he was full of excuses as to why he hadn't been returning her phone calls. I don't even know why she even bothered confronting him about it. The way I see it, if he wanted to call her back, he would've. Personally, I think it's time we stop hitting our heads against the same brick wall which is what I'm doing. I guess she'll have to come to that decision on her own.