Monday, February 05, 2007

I think one of the things that I'm trying to wrap my mind around is how that all of God's promises are for me too. I've never really thought that was true. Maybe because I don't feel that I'm good enough, that I mess up and do things wrong too much or because my home isn't the Christian home that most of my friends have.

I don't know why I feel that everything has to be perfect in order for God to accept me and love me.

I'm also starting to realize how satan is very real and out to harm me. I guess I've always had a hard time with believing that, I don't know, maybe because it's kind of creepy? (you know you think it's creepy too, lol) But I've noticed that the times when I need to attend church the most, I won't want to go, I'll get all down and have a hundred excuses. I was like that this weekend, with both the ladies fellowship and church. Then I realized that's just what satan wants, he wants me to stay home and be miserable. He certainly doesn't want me to go and get lifted up in the Lord by some great Christian ladies. And he really doesn't want me to go to church. So, now I know when I'm really not wanting to go to church, that's when I need to go no matter what.

I've also realized that satan uses every insecurity I have against me and that's why I need to get grounded in the word of God so that when he does that, I'll know what God says about me.

I just have this feeling of being on the brink of something. Like I'm about to have a break through, it's hard to explain. Maybe it's simply that I'm letting God back in again and my mind is starting to clear.

Whatever it is, it's got to be good.

Of course, I'm also seeing some areas in my life that I need to really work on, things I need to change. One really big are is my marriage. Even though things aren't terrible, they aren't where they should be. Honestly, working on that will be hard because I know there will be things God will want me to do that I won't like. For instance, keeping my mouth shut when all I really want to do is tell JR a thing or two. I need to be more supportive of him, I doubt him too much, even though I don't verbalize it, he knows it.

I just wanted to share some of the things swirling around my brain right now. What was your latest revelation?



Blogger Valerie said...

Well, I think you are on the brink of something, too. It can be exhilarating, and it can be scary at the same time - but don't hold back and let satan hold you back!

8:32 PM  
Blogger Veronika said...

Go, girl!
I have those times, too when I plan to go to church, then I'll let satan get to me and change my mind.
God loves us always! We don't have to be perfect.

7:56 AM  

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