Thursday, February 01, 2007

Girly Girl is here at work with me today. She's been up off and on all night with a stomach ache. It's nothing major but I knew if I sent her to school, they would just be calling me to come get her. She loves coming to work with me, she used to everyday when she was little. Right now she's curled up on her cot, watching Little Mermaid.

My cat Misty is doing ok. She is now on a diabetic diet and has to eat canned food because it is easier for her to eat. She is loving it. She is hungry all the time so I'm feeding her 3 times a day now. Basically I'm just trying to keep her comfortable and loved until it's time. Poor old girl.

My father-in-law is starting to get all stressed here, worrying me about the bills. They are about to leave for Mexico in 9 days and he always gets stressed before he leaves. So I'm going to get as much done today as I can so he'll at least be off my back. I can tell you though, if I was about to leave for Mexico, I would not be stressed.

Saturday I have been invited to a ladies fellowship brunch with some ladies from church. I used to go to them all the time but the lady who held them had to stop for awhile and then I drifted away so it's been a long time since I've been. I'm finding myself nervous about going, why am I like that? I have such a hard time stepping out and doing new or different things but once I do, I'm usually glad that I did. I'm going to go though.

Do you step out easily or is it hard for you like it is for me?



Blogger Lisa said...

I do not step out easily. I am so insecure that I would rather not step out at all. I know what you are feeling.

I said a prayer for Girly Girl. Hope she is feeling better.


1:40 PM  

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