Thursday, January 11, 2007

I think winter has finally decided to show it's face here, it is cold this morning and it was cold and windy yesterday. The weather has been so crazy, on Saturday here it was in the low 70's, you could go outside in a t-shirt and be fine. In January!

I took Miss Moody to the orthodontist yesterday and we discussed the issue with her jaw. She still cannot open it all the way and if she tries to force it, it hurts and pops. So she's on a soft diet, absolutely no chewing gum (which she shouldn't have since she has braces but I know she chews it) and we go back in 6 weeks. She was due to have this device put on that would help bring her lower jaw forward but now that she's having all these problems, the orthodontist has decided to just do rubber bands. Hopefully with time this will resolve itself.

Tuesday night Sonny Boy had indoor soccer, it was fun to watch, very past paced. We look like the Bad News Bears though. We're wearing our uniforms from outdoor, we're a coed team where the other teams have these official uniforms and no coed teams. It was funny listening to the other parents, they thought they had the game wrapped up before it began. But that wasn't the case, the game was tied and the opposing team had to fight for every goal just like we did.

Last night I attended my first yoga class. I was apprehensive and I almost didn't go but I'm glad I did. There wasn't any chanting or anything like that. It was mainly just different poses which stretched my muscles and it's about being in the moment and coordinating your breathing with your movements. I'm sore this morning, I used muscles I didn't know I had.

Tonight Girly Girl goes back to dance class, she's been off for 3 weeks and tomorrow night Miss Moody has field hockey. Busy, busy, busy.

I had Miss Moody stay home yesterday, her mouth was really hurting and I didn't see the sense in making her go. But apparently Used To Be Best Friend got in trouble at school, was in the principal's office most of the day. She wrote a threatening letter to her ex-boyfriend and he gave it to the principal. At least this situation had nothing at all to do with Miss Moody, she wasn't even in school. It sounds like UTBBF has a problem with threatening people though, last week she was threatening a 7th grade girl. She needs to get a grip.

I'm off to get payroll going and I have to finish my billing or my FIL will have my head on a platter!


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