Monday, August 28, 2006

The kids are in school now, it's hard to believe summer vacation is over, I feel like it just started. The kids got up with no problems and we made it out of the house on time. I think I had a harder time getting moving.

I've had mixed feelings about them going back to school. Part of me hates to send them because I can't control what they are exposed to or who they are hanging around. I know older daughter was anxious to get back to school and see her friends and that's not always a good thing. I'm not looking forward to the homework battles either, mostly with my son. But on the other hand, I like the structure that comes with the school year and that we are more scheduled. I also know that the kids were really getting on each other's nerves so it was time they had a break from each other.

We had a good weekend though. We went crabbing in the river and caught about 3/4's of a bushel which is the best we've ever done in the river. So we got to eat crabs all weekend. I even organized my kitchen some more and went through younger daughter's clothes and organized everything.

My sister is planning a picnic for next weekend which also happens to be my fil's birthday weekend. My mil hasn't decided if she is having his party on Saturday or Sunday yet and my sister keeps bugging me about it. I told her to just plan her picnic and we would try and make it, we might have to just split our time. She's like can't you just tell J(my mil) that you need to know because I'm having a picnic and I want you there.

Um hello but not everyone plans their life around what you want.

And I'm not going to miss my fil's party because it's important to JR and my kids. And I'm not going to bug my mil either, she's been sick for a few days and I'm just not going to be on her about the party.

So I guess my sister will have to deal with it.

I feel like saying, wasn't that one weekend enough? Because technically, if we go to her picnic, the following weekend is older daughter's birthday and if I have family over for cake and ice cream, that means that will be two weekends in a row that we're all together.

I know, I'm mean, aren't I? But really, I can only take her in small doses, she's too demanding for me. I have enough people demanding my time, I don't need her to do it too.

Oh and I had a lawyer call my house Friday morning looking for my father. I'm not sure what's going on and he couldn't tell me. Not that I want to know, I'm sure it's because he hasn't paid on something, we've been through that before with him. I just don't want to be involved.

We have a full week of practices so between school and sports we will be pretty busy. At least the kids will sleep good.

How was your weekend? Got any plans for Labor Day weekend?


Blogger Zephra said...

Your sister sounds draining. Hope you enjoy the kids back at school. I could not be happier.

12:37 PM  

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