Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Well, we've decided to go to Hershey Park this weekend. The hot weather is supposed to break on Friday, at least we hope so. We're staying at the Spinner's Inn, we've stayed there several times and it's right next to Hershey Park. I've always wanted to stay at the Hershey Lodge or the Hershey Hotel but it's so expensive that I can't justify it, especially since we only use the room to sleep.

One of our past customers died on Sunday, he'd been extremely ill for about 2 weeks. He started with a fever, ended up in a coma, had a massive stroke on Sunday and was taken off the respirator. They don't know what he had so they performed an autopsy in hopes of finding the answer. Life is so fragile.

Of course, my sil is obsessing about the poor man's mysterious illness. She's weird like that. I swear I won't hear from her but let someone get sick or die and she's on the phone constantly. I don't get that. But she and I are like night and day. You couldn't get two people any more different than we are. And unfortunately we're like oil and water. I can only take her in small doses. She's very dramatic and everything has to be this big production whereas I'm more low key. Honestly, a day with her makes me tired with a headache. For instance, she called me yesterday and told me she was going to get some balloons and take them to her parent's home(my in-laws) and decorate for their homecoming. They've been on vacation. For 10 days. You'd think they'd been gone a year or something. She's called here wanting to know if I'd heard from her parents yet but I know they're sleeping in, they got home well after midnight I'm sure. I'm sure she's going to start calling them soon because she can't stand it.

Maybe I'm being unfair. I know my husband can't wait to see his dad. It's been 3 weeks because we went on vacation and they left before we got back. I guess because I can go months without seeing my dad and it's no big deal and I don't have mom around anymore, I don't realize how close they really are.

I don't know. I'm glad they are home safe and sound. I get along with both of my in-laws. And really my fil doesn't bother me so much. It's mostly my mil. She can be a bit harsh at times and even though she doesn't like make a point of coming after me or anything. I do feel like I've got to have my back up around her. It's hard to explain. She has a mean streak and likes for things to be her way because it's the right way after all. It can just be exhausting.

Do you have someone in your life that exhausts you?


Blogger Valerie said...

Yup, my sister. SHe sounds exactly like your sister-in-law.

9:23 PM  

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