Wednesday, July 12, 2006

We've decided to leave at 5:30am on Saturday. Not get up at 5:30, but leave by 5:30. I usually only see 5:30 once a day and that's the PM one! But I'd rather leave early and beat the traffic. We won't be able to get into our place until 3pm or so but we're just going to hang out at the beach.

I forgot to mention about the family day thing last night. We were so busy getting our lists straight and getting directions that I just didn't think of it. We've decided to take the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel and go that way. The tunnel is kinda creepy, we took it last year to Busch Gardens. I had never been through it before.

I'm off to Walmart after work. I hate going there. It seems like whenever I go, they are always putting products on the shelves and you can never get through. Can't they stock later at night when it's not so busy? I've also noticed that some of the employees won't move out of the way for you either. I had a group of 3 standing completely acrosse an aisle, they were chatting and saw me coming. They never moved, kept talking so I stopped right up to them. They still did not move. They would not move until I said excuse me and then they acted like it was a huge deal to do so. Just step aside, that's all I wanted. I so wanted to like run the cart over one of their feet.

I just hope this vacation goes well. I'm worried that my son will feel left out or be bored with all those girls. He is used to spending most of his time with girls because he spends a lot of time with his sisters. We don't live in a community and due to that my kids play with each other. It's not like they can just go down the street and play with friends. Sometimes I wonder if I should have their friends come over more often but for right now it's been ok. I think as they grow older my house will fill up with all their friends. At least I hope so. But anyway, I think JR will just have to do things with him like go fishing, throw the lacrosse ball.

I want to have a nice, relaxing week but I'm trying not to get too excited about going away. I don't want their to be this big let down. I know that sounds negative, it is negative. I guess that's kinda how I think most of the time which is sad. Expect the worst, hope for the best.

I was checking the weather for the Outer Banks, looks like the rip tides are pretty bad. I hope that calms down before we get there.

Not much else is going on, I need to make several phone calls and get a bill in the mail so my fil doesn't freak so I'd better motor.


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